Explore Wiki Atlas functionalities and learn how to create a Wikibundle to organize your articles in coherent topical units. Be creative, share the knowledge, discover your city!

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Viewing Wikipedia through Cartographic Lens

Wiki Atlas is making real world sites that are featured on Wikipedia accessible through fun and interactive maps! Explore the wealth of Wikipedia knowledge through geographic lens and discover notable events and spots of historic importance in your favourite neighborhoods!

Effective Article Discovery Through Advanced Search

Wiki Atlas search tool allows you to discover Wikipedia articles geographically by category, popularity and through standard text search. Discover museums, places of cultural importance and a plethora of article categories that make our cities the rich cultural powerhouses they are!

Register and harness the power of Wikibundles.

Wikibundles allow you to organize your favorite Wikipedia articles in lists. Use them to collect articles of a specific thematics (e.g. Churches in New York) and enhance your exploration capability. Share these lists with friends or use them to note places worth visiting and learnign about!

Tutorial video

Visual map of the main functionalities

Explore Wiki-Atlas functionalities and learn how to create and save your wikibundles.